Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Cyborgization Process Has Begun!!!

Unfortunately the equipment is still a little klumsy and not very natural looking. And, oddly enough, the phone is a separate accessory and not part of the upgrade. If you can wait a few years I think the technology and style will improve rapidly. That will save you the trouble of having to upgrade. Yes, we'll be living GHOST IN THE SHELL any day now, obnoxious Tachikomas, terrorist attacks on the mind, and everything. What a horrible thought.

I read the article and was amused by the question, "are you real or a robot." I personally had a lot of trouble with the AOL robot who answers their phone. It didn't help that I couldn't stop laughing at it. That was probably my problem right there. The voice wasn't exactly funny, but the pitch and the enthusiasm sounded like an old documentary narrator. Or, more precisely, the parody versions of those narrators. The experience left me thinking that robots should not be handling telephone customer service.

I do think that IMing is a good idea for patron service. The format allows for a much more efficient reference interview then e-mail. Personally, I would prefer it over the phone because I communicate a little better when I don't have to do it in real time. It would be useful to take a second to see what I'm going to say before I say it.

IMs would also be beneficial to patrons who want anonymity either because they feel stupid or embarrassed by their question. Someone might recognize a voice face to face, but not a screen name.

I was glad the article mentioned instant gratification, that was my concern. It seems like with an instant message patron's would expect an instant answer. I would, even though I know that's unreasonable. TeleInfo is very efficient, but no one's ever happy to be transferred into a que. although having said that, I could do other stuff online while I wait so that's better then having to be stuck to the phone indefinitely. It might even give me an excuse to stay on longer and get other things done. I think adding IM to existing library services would be a great idea. Provided we added proper staff so the reference people aren't overwhelmed. Overwhelming people is a horrible idea.

Check out my Meebo widget! It clashes with my site much worse then I thought it would!

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