Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Audio Video Video

YouTube isn't as bad I thought! My dark vision of the future is people spending all day watching other people get hurt on YouTube and IMing the friends they've never really met. I can see now that YouTube could be enjoyable.

YouTube is the best of the video sites, both for format and search results. BlipTV's layout is unappealing. Metacafe and Viddler gave me a lot of irrelevant results. YouAreTV's message when you search a term they don't recognize is, "We can't figure out what you are trying to do." Goodness knows, if there search engine doesn't recognize your query you aren't searching. Jerks.

I don't usually admit this, but I listened to Country music at the end of middle school-beginning of high school before coming over the Alternative and Classic Rock. I would briefly get home from school before anyone else and watch Country music videos until my sister got home. No one else liked Country. I don't miss Country, but there was this one Paul Brandt video I remember really enjoying. I don't remember it well but I know I still like the song.

When I joined iTunes I wanted to buy the video for the "My Heart Has a History" but they didn't have it. It was the first really reasonable thing I'd asked for that they didn't have and marked the beginning of my disappointment with iTunes. Then came the podcasts. I owe Youtube. They not only had it, it was really easy to find!


Just think, he must be an adult by now.

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