Friday, April 4, 2008


I played a little with both PROJECT GUTENBURG and MANGO. I think both are good for libraries. GUTENBURG offers access to a lot of material that libraries might not be likely to have, or might not have enough copies of. If patrons went to MANGO libraries might not need as many language sets, and might not need to spend as much time sorting out parts.

I don't think CDs are dead yet. The inevitable march of technology will kill them eventually, but they have some life left in them. I think we're still in an age where more people have the ability to play a CD then to hook up an iPod or other MP3 player, or stream music. I'm not even sure how well the different brands hook-up with each other. A CD is pretty universal, it will work in any CD player. CD players are also easier to use, you just toss it in and hit play.

I'm also interested in the art on and in a CD's cover booklet. You loose most of that if you download the album, as well as any information about the band. I think. I have to admit that I've only downloaded one or two albums. I suppose results vary.

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