Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wrap Up

I've been saving this picture for a special post. I enjoyed most of Web 2.0 and will keep using some of the tools. I think I'll enjoy them more now that I won't have to blog about them.

Arthur C. Clarke said that, "Any technology sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from magic." That's how I feel about computers. I don't know how or why they work and so I don't have any idea what to do when they don't work. I had kind of hoped that Web 2.0 would give me a clearer idea about how things work.

It was fun to see the tools that are out there. I'm glad to know YouTube has redeeming qualities. LibraryThing is going to be a lot of fun. I think ComicCorner has potential and I have an opportunity to be 'friends' with one of my favorite webcomics on FaceBook. He is British so I should say that he's one of my favourites (I think that's right).

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